Mission types can be generally classified asĪfter reading the briefing you may want to go back to the dock and reconfigure your ship to best accomplish the objective of the Mission. Note that you have to clear each stage to unlock the next stage, and clear each area to unlock the next area. Here the missions are divided into the area from A to G with each area having approximately 10 stages, with the 10th stage of each area having the boss supership. To play a mission you have to go to the BRIEFING menu. As you progress in your tech tree unlocking better ship parts, you may want to replay some mission to get some unique loots. As you accept and complete this mission the next mission is unlocked. The dock also display a summary of your stat (name, rank, money, experience, currant mission) The Dock is the main game interface from which you can do your tech development (TECH), shop for ship parts (DEPOT), select Missions to go on (BRIEFING), and go to the Shipbuilding system (DESIGN). If you enjoy this free ISO on, then you may also like other Sony Playstation 2 titles listed below. You can also play this game on your mobile device. Download Naval Ops - Commander ISO to your computer and play it with a compatible emulator. Many unique weapons and items are available only as pickup in-game and rewards for mission and kill count.After choosing your playstyle you are presented with the Dock screen which has as its background a 3d picture of your current ship. Naval Ops - Commander ISO download is available below and exclusive to.been taken from a game file in which the tech tree has been maxed out. This tech fields unlocks prebuilt ships so you can get a ship equipped with advance weapons and engines even if the tech level in those fields are 00 All pages are here for easy access List of all aircraft in the Naval Ops games. If you don't like the managerial part of this game, you may want to ignore all fields except METALLURGY.For example if you don't want to ever use aircraft carriers then the AIR TECH field can be entirly be ignore. Depending on your playstyle you may want to ignore one of the Research fields entirely.The amount of money required for each tech level is listed in the table below. METALLURGY unlocks more advance hulls and hull typeĮLECTRONICS unlocks miscellaneous items that need electricity to work such as Sonar & Radar In early 586 CY,Belvor Crockport, which fell in 588 CY after a appointed Lady Katarina, Knight Commander of the Shield Lands, to be Lord Marshal horrific siege, followed by an uncontrolled of an army made up of ex-Shield Landers, Knights of H oly Shielding, Furyondians, and slaughrer of humanoids and enemy foreign mercenaries and adventurers from a dozen lands. You can even replay missions to accumulate money.ĮNGINE unlocks better version of ship engine You can use the money to advance your technology level in the five fields. As you complete missions you are rewarded with money ( and items if you achieve rank A or S on the mission).

Your tech level starts at 00 in all the fields. In Naval ops Commander you start with a Destroyer and escort of two light destroyers.